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圣保罗书院A社区 & 技术学院

关于大学入学的常见问题 & 保安费(停车)

为什么我必须为大学入学付费 & 安全(停车)?

The Legislature of the State of Minnesota and the MnSCU Board of Trustees established policies stating all users of facilities that include parking at Minnesota State Colleges and Universities must pay a fee for parking. The parking fee must cover all costs associated with the parking operations of the College as stated in MN State Board Policy 7.步骤3和步骤7.3.5. 上大学的机会 & mg电子试玩app的保安费(停车)包括与停车有关的费用, 安全, 访问, 照明, 设施和基础设施.


停车办公室位于1401办公室套房1401C室. Office hours are typically from 9:00am – 5:00pm Monday - Thursday and 7:00am – 3:00pm on Friday. 可通过以下方式到达停车场 电子邮件 或者拨打651.846.1797. 如需非工作时间协助,请致电651与公共安全部门联系.846.1322.


如果您有mg电子试玩app签发的有效停车卡, 你被认为是合同停车. 你可以进入停车系统的任何出入口.



学生可在任何不受限制或非指定的停车场停车. A state-issued handicap permit is required for all spaces marked for handicap parking only. There can be no parking in fire lanes, blocking building 入口 or sidewalks/crosswalks. 违章停车者将被罚款, 长期违规者可能会受到学生纪律处分, 如学生行为准则所述. If necessary, citations will be sent to the State of 明尼苏达州税务局 托收.


Yes, motorcycle parking is available in the designated parking area 访问ed off of the Kellogg Blvd. 入口. 该入口可由门禁卡持有者和访客使用. 水泥摩托车停车场位于凯洛格大道的左侧. 入口在较低的地段.



Press the intercom button on the exit device to contact the on duty parking attendant, 公共安全办公室或停车办公室. 如果对讲机占线,请拨651.846.1322求助.


Contract parkers (people using the parking 访问 card) can come in on Marshall Avenue, Kellogg Blvd. 或者康科迪亚大道的入口. 您需要在进入和离开时出示您的停车卡. 如果您离开时没有出示停车卡, the parking sy阀杆 will think you are still in the lot and it will deny you 访问 the next time you try to enter.

如果你没有停车卡, you will need to pull a short-term parking 访问 ticket at the Marshall Avenue or Kellogg Blvd. 入口. 离开校园后, you can pay by credit card at any of the exits located on Marshall Avenue or Concordia Avenue. 任何出口通道均不接受现金. 以便用现金支付, you must use the pay on foot machine located in the lobby of level P3 of the parking ramp. Upon payment you will be issued a voucher to insert at any parking gate and exit within 20 minutes.



如果你是访客, you may enter the parking lot through the 入口 on Marshall Avenue or the 入口 on Kellogg Blvd. 在大门打开之前, you must press the ticket button and a short-term parking 访问 ticket will be issued at the gate. 这张短期停车票会写明你到达的时间和日期. 离开时,您需要用现金或信用卡支付. You can pay by credit card at any of the exits located on Marshall Avenue or Concordia Avenue. 任何出口通道均不接受现金. 以便用现金支付, you must use the pay on foot machine located in the lobby of level P3 of the parking ramp. Upon payment you will be issued a voucher to insert at any parking gate and exit within 20 minutes.


  • 20分钟以内:免费
  • 20-59分钟:1美元.00
  • 60-179分钟:3美元.00
  • 180分钟及以上:5美元.00


学生s and employees are already assessed a per credit fee to park on campus and should only use a parking 访问 card to enter and exit the parking lot.

访问ors can pay for parking by obtaining a short-term parking 访问 ticket at the Marshall Avenue or Kellogg Blvd. 停车场入口.

How much does it cost to park if I lose my short-term parking 访问 ticket that I got at the gate when I entered the parking lot?




Your student Photo ID is also your parking 访问 card and can be obtained by visiting One Stop during their regular office hours. 获得您的初始带照片的身份证明无需任何费用, but you must provide a valid government issued photo ID and current class schedule prior to being issued a College photo ID.





停车是基于每信用率. 目前每笔贷款的利率是9美元.33.


The parking fees were established according to Board Policy and the State of Minnesota collective bargaining agreements. Per credit fees were established and set by the 学生参议院 so that full-time students and full-time employees who park on campus pay the same rate.


There are no reduced rates for carpooling because the parking fee is assessed per person per credit enrolled.

What if I paid for a parking 访问 card and I drop all my courses during the drop/add period?

如果所有课程在退加期间被退, 然后,您将有权退还您的停车通行卡费用.

Will I be charged an additional fee if I come to school, leave and come back again on the same day?

No. The parking 访问 card allows you to enter and exit the parking lot as many times as you need to in a single day for no additional charge. 如果你没有停车卡 and are pulling a short-term visitor parking ticket, 每次离开时,您需要支付适用的小时费率.





付款将直接到学费办公室,并需要一份引用的副本. 付款期限为传票发出之日起十五(15)个工作日. 支票的抬头人是mg电子试玩app. You may appeal your citation within fifteen (15) 业务 days from the date the citation was issued. 申诉表格可在学院网站上找到,并可在http://www上找到.pugetpullway.com/studentservices/Parking-Information. 表格必须完整填写才会被考虑. If you fail to pay your parking citation(s), the fine(s) will be placed on your student record. 如果罚单未付, a hold will be placed on your account and you will be unable to get a copy of your transcript or register until the fine is paid. Unpaid tickets will be processed through the college’s normal collection process and the debt may be submitted to 明尼苏达州税务局 托收.

It is mandatory that all motor vehicles parked on Saint Paul College campus use the parking 访问 sy阀杆 to go in and out of the parking lot.

访问 应用 请求的信息